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Ingredients to make the loops


  1. Cut a length of monocord that is 12 inches long.
  2. Be careful that the monocord doesn't become unbraided in the process
  3. Stick the sail needle into the backing  center four inches from the end
  4. Thread the short end of the monocord through the needle eye and draw the needle forming a loop
  5. Secure the loop formed with a pencil inside loop, so it doesn't get pulled through when pulling the end with needle
  6. Pull the needle and the loose end through the hollow center and out though the side of the monocord
  7. (Double loop for extra strength) This is optional... reinsert needle  into backing and  draw the loose end back into the middle of the mono backing.
  8. Remove needle and cut backing trailing end
  9. Nail knot the Y intersection to help reinforce the slice
  10. Cut  monocord so 6 inches are left to slide over end of the fly line for the Chinese finger trap grip principle.
  11. Stuff the loop on to the fly line making sure the mono end inside of cord is jammed against the fly line end so no hinging will exist in the loop. (super glue so it won't slip)
  12. nail knot the rear portion of the monocord loop onto the fly line to stop the fraying. (10-12 wraps of mono for the nail knot)
  13. Trim the loose ends of mono strands sticking out from under the nail knot with finger nail clippers.
  14. (Optional) Coat entire loop with a thinned aqua seal mixture and allow to dry.

That's all there is to making the mono loops. 

Tip: For a running  line to backing connection use a large 6-8 inch mono loop to connect the fly line to a loop in the backing. This will make changing lines on reels a simpler task.